Michelle Witek
Licensed Massage Therapist

Services & Rates

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy

60 minutes: $65
90 minutes: $90

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Massage; developed by Therese C. Pfrimmer, aids in correction and prevention of serious muscle conditions. Corrective muscle therapy improves circulation, relieves entrapment of nerves, reduces inflammation of tissues and increases lymphatic flow to tight, adherent muscles.  This therapy is a powerful form of massage, which supports each of the body systems, along with improving many common conditions people deal with on a daily basis. It is possible to get relief, both in your structural areas and at an emotional level, as the body flushes toxins. Each session, we are assisting the body to release emotions or trauma that have been stored in the layers of muscular tissue often contributing to the pain pattern. 

For further information or list of conditions, please visit www.pfrimmer.com

More information is given at your session.

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Raindrop Technique Session

55 minutes: $70

Raindrop therapy includes; the application of Young Living, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils to the feet and spine with vitaflex massage, for the purpose of enhancing the immune system and supporting the body's natural defenses at a cellular level. These oils are high in antioxidants, creating an unfavorable environment for viruses & bacteria to hibernate in the body.  Frequency is subject to clients health needs; however it is suggested to consider this therapy 4 times a year with the seasonal changes for deep cleansing. 

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Active Isolated Stretching

30 minutes: $35
60 minutes: $50

Developed by Aaron Mattes, Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is a dynamic system for improving your flexibility and overall well-being. As you probably already know, stretching your muscles not only reduces your chance of injury, but also strengthens your tendons and improves your circulation. This therapy supports; athletic rehabilitation, strengthening & toning and recovery from injury or surgery.  

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35 minutes: $40

Reflexology is a form of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a more in-depth therapy that aims to balance your body. through applied pressure. Reflexology treatments have been found to be highly effective for conditions such as allergies, headaches, plantar fasciitis, nerve issues and depression. This is a very effective therapy to add into your wellness plan. It is suggested to give at least 4-6 sessions, allowing your body time to absorb its full effect.  

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Sauna Session

25 minutes: $25

Add on a session in the sauna for a good "detox" after your massage using sweat as an elimination pathway. A shower is accessible if you'd like to shower off before leaving.  It is recommended to wear shorts and a tank top while in the sauna or a bathing suit works great too. 

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Specialty Therapies

Pregnancy massage- as your body changes to provide for your developing baby, give support & circulation to your muscles & lymphatic system, during this important time; special focus on feet, legs and back. 

Bridal massage- release the tensions & stress before that special day, come for a session 1-2 wks before your wedding.

Infants & Children- session times and situations as needed.  The Pfrimmer massage works on all ages, to release muscles, allowing for optimal circulation.  Whether for a calming therapy, athletic injury, or other physical/ emotional need, the gift of healing touch can help even the young! 

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Holistic Consultation / Zyto Balance

Services include: Holistic consultation / Health coaching; using homeopathy and other modalities to support your wellness.

Zyto Bio-survey scan;is an in-depth look at 4 core systems of the body, focusing on stressors and balancers to assist your body in healing from acute and on-going chronic illness.  This scan generates a report for your reference and for guidance to specific products & services to uproot symptoms and support  your healing journey.

Ear candling.

Please visit my practitioner practice website for  more info:  https://holistichealthlink.com/profile/MichelleWitek/

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